# Allow all user agents full access to public pages User-agent: * Allow: / # Disallow specific parameters and directories that do not contribute to SEO # Prevent crawlers from indexing pages with lightbox parameters or non-essential directories Disallow: *?lightbox= Disallow: /_api/* Disallow: /_partials* Disallow: /pro-gallery-webapp/v1/galleries/* # Optimization for Google's crawlers User-agent: Googlebot # No additional disallows for Googlebot, ensuring it can access all necessary content # Optimization for Google Ads Bot - avoid crawling ad-related APIs and resources User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile User-agent: AdsBot-Google Disallow: /_api/* Disallow: /_partials* Disallow: /pro-gallery-webapp/v1/galleries/* # Block unwanted PetalBot traffic User-agent: PetalBot Disallow: / # Sitemap location helps search engines find and index content more efficiently Sitemap: https://www.hotride.com.au/sitemap.xml # Reminder: This is auto-generated. Use SEO Tools > Robots.txt Editor for changes.